Community Diaper Banks

Diaper Banks are located in Sweetwater and Uinta Counties


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1 in 3 U.S. Families Experience Diaper Need.
We Want to Change That.

When we relieve the burden of diaper need we are keeping our babies clean, dry and healthy while creating financial and emotional breathing room for families. Check out our page, Community Diapers Banks in Southwest Wyoming.

Diapers are a basic need for a baby, they are essential to a baby's health and well-being, but the lack of an adequate supply of diapers has a profound effect on a child's entire family. All too often, parents are forced to make difficult decisions because safety net programs, such as WIC and SNAP (food stamps) don't cover diapers.

By doing this one simple thing, we can help ensure parents can keep working or attending school and children have the diapers they need to attend child care. You can help by donating diapers, wipes or cash. Want to take it a step further? Host a diaper drive. It's and easy way to do a good deed and involve others.