Planned Giving

Tomorrow is in your hands today.


Your generous gift to United Way's Campaign impacts lives today.  Your investment in the endowment fund impacts lives forever.  A donation made to United Way of Southwest Wyoming's Endowment Fund in the form of cash, securities, a life insurance policy, a retirement plan, or real or personal property provides for the long-term needs of our community.  The principal of your gift stays in United Way of Southwest Wyoming's Endowment Fund indefinitely, while the interest is paid to United Way of Southwest Wyoming.  You can endow your annual gift in a lump sum gift or in multiple gifts over several years.

United Way World Wide offers information to help this process. Please note when including our United Way to specify United Way of Southwest Wyoming.

If you would like information mailed to you, please contact us.

The purpose of this page is to provide general information.  It is not intended as professional advice.  Please consult your legal, tax and financial planning advisors for guidance on the implementation of these planned giving tools.  Examples are based on current federal and state tax laws at the time of printing.  Federal and state tax laws change frequently; please contact your advisors for up-to-date information.